Updates for all in person classes.

Before I get to the updates on in person classes, I wanted you to know that online yoga will remain on Patreon. I have loved getting on my mat nearly every day, and I've heard from some of you that you now have a daily practice as well. The schedule may change, but the variety of classes will stay the same. I'm targeting four-five new classes once studio classes resume.

I'm breaking this down into a section for classes at Sweet Home Spun and for The Y. I think you'll want to read them both.

Sweet Home Spun

First and foremost, this is not something that I'm rushing into. I have been watching what other studios across the country are doing to get ready to open their doors, and for the most part, I'm seeing people take a very cautious approach. I'm taking my cues from other leaders in the yoga world, and getting input from JoAnn. Currently, I am targeting a mid-July date to gather our yoga community again for classes at the Meetinghouse. This is all subject to change based on what's happening in the community. I want you to feel safe coming to class, so we have some new rules to follow.

  • Do not come to class if you feel sick or have a fever.

  • Enter and exit through the front door only.

  • Use the provided hand sanitizer when you enter the building.

  • You must wear a mask that you provide when entering/exiting class and maintain social distancing before and after class.

  • Mats must be spaced a minimum of six feet apart unless you live together.

  • Please remain on your mat instead of gathering in the chairs. We can't maintain social distancing otherwise.

  • Mask is optional once class begins.

  • No props will be provided. (See below for recommendations)

  • Class size will be limited to ensure social distancing. I think there will be room for 10, but JoAnn is going to check.

  • New website coming where you are encouraged to sign-in to class before you arrive. All payments are now contactless and tracked online with your account.

That looks like a lot, but the majority of it is standard procedure you'll find at any business right now. There are three big changes that are specific to yoga that I want to address individually.

Props - every yoga studio I follow will no longer rent mats, or provide props. If you'd like to get your own, I'd recommend visiting Sunshine Yoga. I have found their pricing to be very reasonable, and I'm happy with the quality of props I've bought. I would recommend a bolster, blanket, block(s) and strap, but they are by no means a requirement.

Class sizes - I have to put a cap on attendance in order to comply with social distancing. JoAnn is going to do some measuring, but I'm thinking it will be around 10. I would hate to turn anyone away at door, but I will if we go over the limit. To avoid that disappointment, I highly recommend you sign up for class in advance.

New website - When this launches you will be able to see the schedule, sign up for a class, and manage your account online. I will continue to offer the monthly unlimited memberships, class cards, and drop-in classes. Everything will be available for purchase online, and you can keep track of how many classes you have used. I'll also be able to offer gift certificates for the first time. If you maintain a membership to my studio on Patreon, you'll receive a discount on the monthly unlimited package. More details to come.

The Y

I will have been teaching at The Y for 10 years come this summer, and this is a decision that I have agonized over for the last couple of months. In short, I will not be returning to teach.

The main reason I came to this decision is that I feel June 15th is too early to regather. Your safety and mine is the most important. When they do reopen it will be with a new schedule that allows for more time between classes, and extra cleaning. It was highly unlikely that I'd be able to return with the schedule I had before. I have offered to remain on to sub the occasional class, but so far that is up in the air.

Sad news aside, can we all agree that it's been great to just be able to unroll our mats wherever we are for online class, and not have to battle that Shelbyville Road traffic? I do not miss that one bit! Online classes are not going anywhere, and I hope you'll continue to count me as one of your teachers.

I have been able to make some lifelong friends from my time teaching at The Y, and we haven't seen the last of each other. There are many more dinners and parties in our future. Once it's safe to regather at Sweet Home Spun, please join me there for class on occasion.

See you on your mats!



New Website is Here.